Welcome to GSSCONF

3rd Global Conference
on Social Sciences

09 – 11 May 2025 | London, United Kingdom

Welcome to GSSCONF

3rd Global Conference on Social Sciences

09 – 11 May 2025 | London, United Kingdom

Connecting Minds, Advancing the World

AboutBe a part of the most influential academic social sciences Conference. Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your research and connect with leading experts.

Learn More About 3rd Global Conference on Social Sciences

Get ready to embark on a transformative journey in the heart of the Middle East as the 3rd Global Conference on Social Sciences (GSSCONF) makes its grand debut in London, UK on 09 – 11 May 2025. This prestigious academic conference on social sciences is set to bring together leading scholars, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from around the world to engage in thought-provoking discussions and exchange groundbreaking ideas in the field of social sciences.

One of the most prestigious academic conferences on social sciences in the world, the GSSCONF conference promises to be an unforgettable experience for all attendees.

This year’s social sciences conferences offer a unique opportunity for scholars and researchers to present their latest research findings, exchange ideas, and network with fellow experts in their field. The conference will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive workshops on a wide range of topics in the social sciences.

For those who do not wish to present a paper, the conference also offers the option to attend without a paper. This is a great opportunity to learn from leading experts in the field, gain valuable insights into the latest research and trends, and network with fellow academics from around the world.

social sciences conference
Don't Miss Out

Deadlines and Important Dates

Authors will be notified of Abstract acceptance within 07 to 14 days. The optional full paper submission, including detailed guidelines for publication in Conference Proceedings, peer-reviewed journals, or as a Monograph, will be emailed within a few weeks after the conference.

Abstract Submission Deadline: 18 April 2025
Abstract Acceptance Notification: Within 07 to 14 Days
Full Paper Submission (Optional*): Around 3 weeks after the conference

Registration Deadline: 29 April 2025
Conference Dates: 09-11 May 2025

 Following the conclusion of the conference, authors of accepted abstracts who have completed their registration will be granted the opportunity to submit their full papers for publication in the Conference Proceedings, peer-reviewed journals, or as a Monograph. Comprehensive instructions and submission guidelines will be shared via email within a few weeks after the conference.

Whether you are a seasoned researcher or just starting out in your academic career, the social science conferences 2025 are the events not to be missed.

So, mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable experience in London, United Kingdom.

GSSCONF offers a unique opportunity to network with fellow researchers and experts in the field, enhance your knowledge, and present your original research and innovative ideas to a diverse audience. Attending this social sciences conference will also provide an opportunity to explore the vibrant culture and hospitality of London, United Kingdom.

Attending GSSCONF 2025 will further allow you to gain insights into the latest trends and developments in social sciences and explore new avenues of collaboration and partnership

GSSCONF welcomes researchers, academicians, professionals, and students from the field of social sciences who are interested in presenting their research findings, exchanging knowledge, and networking with other researchers. Whether you are a seasoned scholar or a graduate student, GSSCONF 2025 is an excellent opportunity to showcase your research and engage with colleagues in the field.

GSSCONF social sciences conferences offer multiple modes of attendance and presentation, including oral presentation, online presentation, poster presentation, and listener attendance. Presenters can choose the mode of presentation that is most convenient for them.

Past Speakers

social sciences conference

Mehmet Akın Bulut

social sciences conference

Aydan Turanlı

Alessio Panaggio

social sciences conference

Dena Bateh

Themes and Topics

The welcomes papers related to various themes and topics, including but not limited to:

The social sciences conference welcomes submissions on a wide range of topics related to the conference, including but not limited to anthropology, economics, education, humanities, language & literature, Social studies, geography, history, law, political science, psychology, Geography and sociology.

Join the conversation, contribute your expertise, and be part of the global movement shaping the future of social sciences.

Submit your paper for social science conferences 2025 now!



AboutPublication Opportunities

Selected papers from the social science conferences 2025 will be published in leading academic journals in social sciences and edited volumes. GSSCONF also offers publication opportunities in its conference proceedings.

Join the global movement shaping the future of social sciences! Submit your paper now and Click here to submit your paper today!

Registration Social Sciences Conference
Registration Packages

GSSCONF offers various registration packages for attendees, including regular conference registration, student registration, virtual delegate and attendee registration. All packages include access to conference sessions, and conference materials.
The Conference also offers various registration packages to meet the needs and budgets of all participants, including early bird discounts and special rates for groups.

Registration Deadline

29 April 2025

  • Authors Student: £ 360​
  • Authors Regular: £ 420​
  • Virtual Delegate: £ 160
  • Listener: £ 160
  • Extra Paper: £ 75

Invitation Letter

GSSCONF provides an invitation letter to attendees who require it for visa applications. Attendees are requested to register and contact the conference organizer to request an invitation letter.


Discovering London

One - Day City Tour Free of Charge

London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom. The city is diverse in nature, with over 230 languages spoken and a wealth of different cultures and communities. London is an academic hotspot, with the most universities of any UK city. It is home to 18 universities in total. With Europe’s largest concentration of higher education institutions, it includes Imperial College London in natural and applied sciences, the London School of Economics in social sciences, and the comprehensive University College London. London is not exactly a cheap option for students. Despite the high costs, London has claimed the title of the best student city in the world for two years in a row.

social sciences conference



We look forward to welcoming you to GSSCONF 2025 and to the beautiful city of London, United Kingdom

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